Family Dumps Their Malformed Face Dog, But An Angel Shows Up To Make Everything Right

Family Dumps Their Malformed Face Dog, But An Angel Shows Up To Make Everything Right

 What matters in beauty is our insides. Physical features are not important in this because everyone has beautiful features.

Lucky, who was not lucky at all, was not adopted because he was born with a severe facial deformity. Therefore, people could not look at it. In fact, he has been adopted more than once but has been treated badly each time. Once, he was kept outside because he didn't get along with the family cat.

The poor dog was heading up a tree with no place to sleep or enough to eat, and was always neglected and neglected. After all that he was turned over to a shelter where his family wanted to move! They didn't treat him as part of the family because they didn't want to take him with them.

But one day everything changed because of a post on social media! One of the volunteers from the shelter posted some pictures of Lucy in the nanny and he was really handsome. Jamie Holt, a friend of the volunteer, directly contacted the volunteer and decided to meet Lucy and even wanted to adopt him.

Unfortunately, Lucy had fleas and heartworms, and he needed veterinary treatment. Despite everything, Jamie didn't care and she just wanted to take him where her heart opened up to him directly. Fortunately, he has fully recovered after a long road.

Jimmy decides to call him Beaux Tox, after Botox, because that's what he needs. So, he now has a new human being, a new home, and a new beautiful name. Finally, they are now together for over a year and are very happy with each other.

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